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Apr 5, 2008

Advantages of Contactless Smart Cards

There are a number of advantages toconsider when comparing contactlesstechnology to contact smart cards and 125kHz proximity cards:

Convenience: Given the choice,users will virtually always choosecontactless over contact technology.Contactless smart card users do nothave to worry about where to insertthe card, how to insert the card, orhow fast to slide the card.

Less Maintenance/Warranty:Contactless smart cards require verylittle wear and tear maintenancebecause they contain no movingparts and require no points ofcontact. As a result, most contactlesssmart cards come with lifetimewarranties covering defects andworkmanship.

Higher Security: Contactlessproducts are uniquely capable ofproviding optimal transmissionsecurity with optional encryption andmutual authentication features.

Mutual authentication is a three-waycommunication process between acard and reader using hashed,encrypted messages to authenticateeach other without broadcasting ashared secret key.

Large Memory: Contactless cardshave a data storage capacityapproximately 100 times greater thanthat of a proximity card. Contactlesssmart cards can also processinformation, calculate mathematicalformulas and perform othercomputing functions.

Enhanced Privacy: Even largebiometric templates can be storedand verified using a singlecontactless smart card, allowingprivate information to stay in thepossession of the card holder insteadof being stored in a data base.

Versatile Form Factors: Unlike itscontact counterparts, contactlesssmart communication can utilize avariety of credential technologies.Keychain fobs, watches and evenstickers can be used as contactlesscredentials.

Multiple Applications: Carrying acontactless smart card is likecarrying many cards in one. A singlecontactless smart card can managemultiple applications such as accesscontrol, payment systems, cashlessvending, paring, mass transit, etc.

Additional features and applicationscan be added to a contactless smartcard as user needs evolve.

Future Protection: Contactless smarttechnology will no doubt soonreplace mag strip and proximitytechnologies. Choosing contactlessproducts now will avoid the use ofobsolete and outdated systems whileproviding the best avenue for systemexpandability.

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