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Apr 1, 2008

Satellite Television Offers

Satellite Television Offers A Degree Of Flexibility That Cable Cannot

When you ask a satellite television subscriber what they like about satellite television, flexibility will probably be one of the things they mention. Ask a cable subscriber the same question and flexibility will not even be mentioned. This is fitting with the type of technologies that each company uses to deliver programming. Cable companies use an underground network of cables that connect to each house. Satellite television uses a fleet of orbiting satellites that can transmit anywhere in the US. While getting a satellite into orbit is a bit more complicated that laying an underground wire, satellites are actually the easier system to maintain and the more flexible system to use. This is a huge selling point for companies like Dish Network and part of the reason that satellite television is growing quickly.

When you ask a satellite television subscriber what they like about satellite television, flexibility will probably be one of the things they mention. Ask a cable subscriber the same question and flexibility will not even be mentioned. This is fitting with the type of technologies that each company uses to deliver programming. Cable companies use an underground network of cables that connect to each house. Satellite television uses a fleet of orbiting satellites that can transmit anywhere in the US. While getting a satellite into orbit is a bit more complicated that laying an underground wire, satellites are actually the easier system to maintain and the more flexible system to use. This is a huge selling point for companies like Dish Network and part of the reason that satellite television is growing quickly.

Let's say you want to get good television at your house in a rural area. Can you count on cable television to provide access? Of course not. Cable television is pretty much limited to urban and suburban areas and is not available in any area where people are less concentrated. Satellite television, however, is available in rural areas. Take a quick trip through the countryside and look at how many houses have satellite dishes. Almost every house will have one of these small pieces of equipment which allows the inhabitants to get good television access. Let's also look at the opposite extreme. If you are looking for television service in a city, which providers can you use? Cable is likely a possibility (though not necessarily), but satellite television is also available. You will find satellite dishes on apartment buildings and other city dwellings just as you will find them in rural areas. This means it is possible to get Dish Network in both the city and the rural area, while cable television is only available in the city.

Let's also look at the ability to move your service with you. Whether you are moving to a new house or apartment or you have retired from your job and are looking to hit the road in an RV, you will still want television service. Cable television is tied down by land lines and the companies that provide this type of television each have their own little region of the country. You won't have any luck trying to move your cable service to a new location. If you have a package that requires a long term commitment, you will also be out of a lot of money in early termination fees and other fees. Dish Network, however, is nationally based and has no limits on where the service is available.

If you are moving, whether across town or across the country, you can take your service with you. You get continuous service and don't have to sign up with a new company or pay fees for early termination- one less thing to worry about during a move. And, for the RV traveler, cable television is not even an option. After all, how do you get a service that is based on underground lines while traveling across the country. Satellite television however, gives the flexibility to watch television even when you have your RV parked in the middle of a national park. As long as you have electricity, you can watch satellite television.

Satellite television is obviously more flexible than cable and thus offers many more advantages.

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