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Dec 30, 2008

Polycom – SoundPoint IP330 - Unsupported XHTML Elements – Section 01

The unsupported elements and attributes are:

Basic Tags

html—Defines HTML document.

body—Defines documents’ body.

h1 to h6—Defines header 1 to header 6.

p—Defines a paragraph.

br—Inserts a single line break.

hr—Defines a horizontal rule.

Character Format Tags

b—Defines bold text.

font—Deprecated. Defines text font, size, and color.

i—Defines italic text..

em—Defines emphasized text.

big—Defines big text.

strong—Defines strong text.

small—Defines small text.

sup—Defines superscripted text.

sub—Defines subscripted text.

bdo—Defines the direction of text display.

u—Deprecated. Defines underlined text.

Output Tags pre—Defines preformatted text.

code—Defines computer code text.

tt—Defines teletype text.

kbd—Defines keyboard text.

var—Defines a variable.

dfn—Defines a definition term.

samp—Defines sample computer code.

xmp—Deprecated. Defines preformatted text.

Block Tags

acronym—Defines an acronym.

abbr—Defines an abbreviation.

address—Defines an address element.

blockquote—Defines a long quotation.

center—Deprecated. Defines centered text.

q—Defines a short quotation.

cite—Defines a citation.

ins—Defines inserted text.

del—Defines deleted text.

s—Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.

strike—Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.

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