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Dec 16, 2011

Bad Cop! Head of Crime (Officer) Pamulang Sacked

Metro Police Criminal Kanit Pamulang Adjunct Commissioner TS finally removed from office. Removal is related to the engineering of robberies and rapes committed wife, EK.
TS was removed because EK reported that fictitious events, TS actually claimed to have been doing case development in the field. TS no problem telling the truth to his superiors.

Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Imam Sugianto confirmed the existence of this removal. "He (TS) clearance to the police chief said the case would develop ranmor (bike theft) at the time his wife said she was robbed and raped in her home. In reality no," said Imam, when contacted by reporters.
In addition, the Police have other considerations will figure this TS. In the eyes of his men, TS notoriously difficult to socialize with his subordinates. "He's not close to his men," said Imam.
TS was removed from office yesterday by Chief of Police of the Metro South Jakarta. He now moved to the South Jakarta Police, but has no specific position. While the Metro Police Criminal Kanit position will be filled by Kanit Pamulang Resmob South Jakarta Metro Police, which is Adjunct Commissioner Didi.
Previously, EK admitted there are robbers who menyatroni Cilodong his home in the area, Depok, on Sunday (11/12/2011) at around 03:00. At that time, EK was in the house alone. While the husband EK, namely TS which is the Head of Criminal Police Metro Unit Pamulang, was in his office.
According to the story EK, when the perpetrator entered the main room, she was sound asleep. EK had woke up and was surprised by the presence of the perpetrator. After that, both players tie their hands and cover your mouth and eyes of victim use the Adhesive Tape.
In the closed eye condition that actors suddenly groping vital part of EK. After launching its action, the perpetrators untied in the hands of EK and fled back through the door window. The perpetrator also had stolen property EK Nokia C6.
However, police found many irregularities in this EK story. For example, EK entering from the window by prying. However, after review, the former congkelan in fact there is a window from the inside. Said screwdriver used for prying the perpetrator is also no fingerprints perpetrators.
The police only found a fingerprint on the screwdriver EK. In addition, at the time of the incident, it's raining, so if someone comes in, there should be a former palms and lots of dust. However, the marks were not visible.

Criminal Kanit Pamulang Have Three Wives
Also struck a fallen ladder. Proverb It seems now occur at the Metro Police Criminal Kanit Pamulang, Adjunct Commissioner TS. In addition to engineering problems tripped cases of rape and robbery of his wife, EK, police officers are also known to have two other wives.
This was said by the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Imam Sugianto Commissioner, when contacted by reporters. Priest said it only knows the existence of a legitimate first wife and recorded in the official. But in fact, the marshal had two other wives are not recorded in the police department."The first wife, the legitimate wife. There are two legitimate baseball or outside agencies," said Imam.The findings, said the priest, still will be explored officer Profession and Security Affairs (Propam) Jakarta Police. If this were so, the TS can be re-imposed disciplinary sanctions."For this case (more than one wife), he examined Propam Police. If it is true, there will be disciplinary action can be a reprimand or other and it could be in a non-job-right," said Imam.Previously, the TS was first removed from his position as the Metro Police Criminal Kanit Pamulang. TS was removed immediately by the South Jakarta Metro Police and transferred to Polrestro South Jakarta, but without a title. TS position was replaced by Kanit Resmob South Jakarta Metro Police, Adjunct Commissioner Didi.According Kapolrestro, removal of the TS is not necessarily because his wife made the case engineering. However, because at the same time, the TS was found not being honest with his superiors. On the night when his wife confessed robbed and raped, TS overlooking Metro Kapolsek Pamulang and asked permission to go to the field in the framework of the development of motor theft cases."It did not like it. We no idea where he had gone alone is not the same as men. For that reason we fall out, happen to Momennya along with his wife's case," said Imam.

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