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Aug 19, 2012

The reason the National Commission on Human Rights Saying that "Lumpur Lapindo" is a crime.

National Human Rights Commission has determined Lapindo mud case as a criminal offense committed human rights Lapindo Brantas Inc. Lupur bursts that have taken place since 2006 that left thousands of people lost their homes and livelihoods.

Commission calls on the Sidoarjo mud disaster ekosida alias as environmental destruction. These losses caused by the Lapindo Lumpur Lapindo both environmentally destructive and dangerous to humans:
  • At least 8200 people who dwelt in the villages around the blast site were evacuated. More than 25,000 people displaced by the destruction of 10 426 houses and 77 places of worship.
  • Damaged agricultural land covers 25.61 hectares of cane land in the village of Renokenongo, Jatirejo, and Kedungcangkring. An area of ​​172.39 hectares of rice land in Siring, Renokenongo, Jatirejo, Kedungbendo, Sentul, Basuki Jabon, and Pejarakan Jabon.
  • Loss of more than 1,600 head of livestock such as poultry, goats, cows, and deer.
  • 30 Factory was forced to stop production and lay off thousands of workers to the total number of 1873 people.
  • No proper functioning of the four government offices, schools, Headquarters Koramil Porong and destruction caused by power lines and telephone brunt of mud.

Pertamina's gas-pipeline explosion that killed 14 people were killed and dozens were injured. The dead were workers and security guards who were repairing the impact of the Lumpur Lapindo.

Environmental destruction caused by these bursts have an enormous impact. "Unfortunately the Commission can not put it into the category of serious human rights violations since the law did not support us," said Commissioner for Human Rights National Commission Ridha Saleh, Wednesday, August 15, 2012.

Law on the Court of Human Rights was only familiar with two types of crimes as serious violations of human rights, namely genocide and crimes against humanity. Therefore, the Commission plans to include a clause regarding the amendment ekosida Act No. 26 of 2000 on Human Rights Court.

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